
LAAC zt-gmbh

Arch DI Kathrin Aste
Arch DI Frank Ludin

Höhenstraße 94
6020 Innsbruck

Chamber membership
Chamber of Architects and Engineers of Tyrol and Vorarlberg

Ziviltechniker Gesellschaft m.b.H
Commercial Register: FN 392981p
VAT number: ATU 67788717


Disclosure according to § 25 Media law:
This website is owned by the architectural firm LAAC Architects zt.og. The website provides information about the activities of LAAC architects zt.og. All content is for personal use. Further use and reproduction of personal use is not permitted. Pictures and graphics may not be published without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder or transferred, whether for commercial or other purposes.



Conception, webdesign


DI Heike Bablick, Karl-Heinz Machat
Franz-Fischerstr. 31 | 6020 Innsbruck | Austria