Representation and Reinterpretation of Ernst Haeckels Nature Illustrations
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Title: Virtual Cultivation
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, Luciano Parodi
Term: 2017
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Das Projekt setzt sich mit Ernst Haeckel und seiner, im 19. Jahrhundert kulturell verankerten Sichtweise und Repräsentation von Natur auseinander und versucht diese in die heutige Zeit kritisch weiterzudenken.

Recreating Landscape
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Title: Imaginary Folklore
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2016
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Geographical position and abundance of forests have determined the spread of wood as the main building material of Lithuania in 20th century. Therefore, Lithuania holds a rich collection of woodenware and reminiscences of wooden architecture with the outstanding ornamentation. Due to industrialization and standardized building products, material’s innate characteristics and inherent heterogeneity remain largely neglected and unexplored.

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Title: Landforming Responses
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2016
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Nunavut is the youngest, largest and most northerly territory of Canada - a place of extremes with averaging temperatures below zero, no roads and a winter with no daylight. But most of all it is a place of drastical change. The general warming of the climate has severe effects on the permafrost ground, accelerating landforming processes and destabilizing the ecological system.

Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste,
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

Title: Ready for Occupancy
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, , Benjamin Ennemoser
Course: Platform GLC, (Geography, Landscapes, Cities)
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


The baroque garden is a geometrically structured artificial construct with major and minor axes, formed by channels, basins or paths.

The central visual axis is most often surrounded by a system of parallel and perpendicular and star-shaped intersecting paths. The greatest emphasis is placed on regularity and symmetry. The baroque garden is part of an overall architectural scheme that also often features orangeries, parterres, fountains, ruins, pools, palm houses and menageries — aesthetically tied together by a common decoration scheme usually derived from Greek and Roman mythology. The Schönbrunn Palace as an exemplary model of Baroque design can be understood as a composition of organic and inorganic components. Not restricted to architecture and plants cut into shape the park included a menagerie which later turned into the Tierpark Schönbrunn. Being open to the public since 1779 it is the oldest active zoo in the world and home to 8392 animals.

Crossover Studio
The program foresees intense workshops with invited guests, guest lectures and reviews in a well balanced mix of integrating international and local knowledge to contribute to the studio research, feed-back and dialogue. The studio makes extensive use of engaging modeling technologies by various means: reflecting abstractions of reality within the ranges of analytical data to conceiving architectures as dynamic responsive systems, and building speculative designs and narrations for modeling alternative realties.
Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste
University of Innsbruck, Institute of Urban Design

Title: Reconstructed Topographies
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Module 'Landschaftsarchitektur'
Institution: University of Innsbruck


explores the landscape as an object of technical manipulation and understoods it as a specific object. A landscape architectural series of experiments to clarify topological qualities.

Titlet: Ecology of Fear
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Entwerfenstudio Master 2
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Ecology of Fear - Apokalypse Tirol; Design Studio Master 2, University of Innsbruck
Imagine the valley bottom does not exist anymore. The chasm below you is as final as the ridge above you. The rug has been literally pulled out from under us. We design the city in the danger zone. What possibilites do irreclaimable sites, unstable topographies, alpine catastrophies offer.

Title: Stadion as Active Landscape
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course:  Entwurfsstudio Master 2
Institution: University of Innsbruck



Mitten im Abseits- Das Stadion als active landscape; Entwurfsstudio Master 2, Universität Innsbruck

Title: Frozen Heaven
Tutor: Frank Ludin
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Frozen Heaven

Jan 24 2011 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
constructing topography
Grosser Hörsaal, Fakultät für Architektur, Innsbruck

Title: constructing topography
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Hochbau.eins Vorlesung
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Title: Chittagong - Schiffsverschrottung in Bangladesch
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2010
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Aus dem Willen heraus, Architektur frei von Begründungen und Rechtfertigungen bzw. von Bedingungen zu entwickeln, beginnt das Projekt in einer Leere, in einem vermeintlich reinem Labor. Freie Assoziationen schaffen Raum, im sprudelnden Kontext des ICHs.

Title: Plenarsaal Raumreserven
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Entwurfsstudio E2
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Andreas Manzl

Plenarsaal Raumreserven; Entwurfsstudio E2, Universität Innsbruck

„Die Parteien müssen in den nächsten Wochen ausschnapsen, welcher Parlamentsklub wie viel Platz im Hohen Haus und dessen Nebengebäuden bekommt. Etwa 33m² pro Abgeordnetem stehen jeder Fraktion zur Verfügung. Alleine die ÖVP, die die meisten Mandate verloren hat, muss also auf etwa 500 m² verzichten. Dazu kommen persönliche Animositäten und Präferenzen für bestimmte Räumlichkeiten. Bis zur konstituierenden Sitzung Ende Oktober wird es daher mindestens dauern, bis die Platzverteilung endgültig geregelt ist.“                 aus: Der Standard vom 30.September 08

Constructed Topographies
Universität Liechtenstein

Title: Constructed Topographies
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Entwurf BA 2.A
Institution: University of Liechtenstein


Title: bionicle.arch
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Urban Design
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Title: Obvious Personal Matters
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2012
Institution: University of Liechtenstein

Intervention as food for thought: What happens when the borders of privacy are torn down, interior space becomes exterior and private becomes public? Personal matters  are demarcated from the public.Conversely, the environment reacts irritated as soon as personal matters are brought outside, diffuse into the public. The intervention follows the question how society protects its privacy and what characteristics and qualities private rooms develop. A radical incision into the facade of a partially unused building in the center of Dornbirn uncovers traces of the private.  The exposed architecture shows a legacy of mutual trust and secrecy.

Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Kunstlandschaften
Institution: University of Innsbruck

Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Arch. Hannes Stiefel
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

Title: Countably infinite
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, Hannes Stiefel, Dominic Strzelec, Lois Hehenberger
Course: Platform GLC, (Geography, Landscapes, Cities), Platform ESC (Ecology, Sustainability and Cultural Heritage)
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna



Do you feel a vague sense of unease when you hear those lyrics from the REM song? — Good, that means we have some common ground. Stagnation and impotence may be common patterns of behavior, but they can certainly be overcome. As architects, we should feel directly challenged by this to question the relevance of what we do.

Earth and its ecosystem are undergoing massive and irreversible changes that are partly man-made. Maps and images can make the extent of these changes clear, but abstract as they are, they do not tell us anything about manmade changes and their dramatic consequences.

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Title: Auslaufmodell Friedhof
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2016
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Friedhöfe werden oft als Spiegel der Gesellschaft bezeichnet, da die Art des Totengeden­kens viel über Wertevorstellungen einer Gesellschaft aussagt. Welches Bild dieser Spie­gel in Zukunft zeigen wird ist unklar, es scheint wahrscheinlich, dass der Friedhof wie wir ihn heute kennen bald ausgedient haben wird.2 Kommunale Friedhöfe werden den unterschiedlichsten gesellschaftlichen, religiösen und ökologischen Anforderungen und Veränderungen nicht mehr gerecht und konfessionelle und kommerzielle Anbieter treten an ihre Stelle. Eine räumliche Trennung der verschiedenen Bestattungsarten scheint un­ausweichlich.

Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste, Dipl.-Ing. Antje Lehn
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

Title: How to get to Chautauqua
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, Antje Lehn
Course: Platform GLC, (Geography, Landscapes, Cities)
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


One in ten Austrian citizens between the ages of 18 and 24 has completed only compulsory school, and 27.5% cannot read properly. In 2014 about 2,000 unaccompanied minors arrived in Austria. In 2016 the city of Vienna will start a so-called »Jugendcollege« to make Austrian school accessible for young refugees. All of these adolescents hope for a fair chance, but the Austrian education system is known for its conservative structures, which tend to reproduce educational injustice. Instead, people rely on private initiatives. Numerous innovative approaches, interesting developments and private initiatives in education seem to be confined to the educated middle classes.

Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste,
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

Title: Embodiment of a Hypercontext
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, Lois Hehenberger
Course: Platform GLC, (Geography, Landscapes, Cities)
Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Architecture – like art- requires an approach akin to experimental research. Following Albert Einstein who said that ‘’ Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is limited‘’, our studio understands research in architecture as the creation of knowledge through the imagination.

Kathrin Aste is appointed Visiting Professor
Platform: Geography, Landscapes, Cities
Oct 1 2011 (All day) - Feb 1 2012 (All day)

Title: alreadymade
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Design Studio BA 1.A
Institution: University of Liechtenstein


Design Studio BA 1.A University of Liechtenstein; Lecturer: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste

The headlight is a motive to broach the issue of structurally seeing objects. The object that is examined is decomposed into its parts, functionally drained, transformed and decontextualized. This means that the object is unhinged from its usual context and transferred into a new spatial relationship. The change of context changes the object and interprets it differently. Architecture evolves. The project that is to be designed is theoretically and as regards contents accompanied by an introduction to specific topics of art such as Objet trouvé (Found Art), Ready Made, „Object Art“ or Dadaism.

University of Innsbruck

Title: Morro do Estadio
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2011
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Das "Estadio do Morro". ist ein Ort des Aufeinandertreffens unterschiedlicher Bevölkerungsschichten.


Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit sind zwei unterschiedliche Themengebiete. Einerseits die Beschäftigung mit der Bauaufgabe eines Stadions für Rio und die aufkommenden sportlichen Großveranstaltungen "WM 2014" und "Olympia 2016". Und andererseits eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der sozialen Segregation, und der Bildung von Grenzräumen zwischen formellen und informellen Siedlungsgebieten. Es drängt sich die Frage auf, wie man mit der finanziellen Möglichkeit einer

sportlichen Großveranstaltung nachhaltiger, vor allem im sozialen Sinne, umgegangen werden kann als es derzeit von der Stadtplanung angedacht wird?

Title: Floating Geographies
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Experimental Architecture
Institution: University of Innsbruck



Institut für Experimental Architecture, studio3, Universityt Innsbruck

Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Orientierung
Institution: University of Innsbruck

Jan 31 2014 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
constructing topography
Grosser Hörsaal, Fakultät für Architektur, Innsbruck
Title: constructing topography
Tutor: Frank Ludin
Course: Hochbau.eins Lecture
Institution: University Innsbruck

Title: Animated Masterplan
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Urban Design
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Ursula Ender, Verena Rauch

Title:v Active Landscape
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Martin Mackowitz

Architecture as an operative landscape.

title: Skyscraper Battery
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Term: 2010
Institution: University of Innsbruck


Scripting basierte Entwurfsforschung, Dezember 2010

Title: Das letzte Café
Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Student: Linja Meller
Institution: University of Innsbruck

"...Dennoch sind die Nicht-Orte das Maß unserer Zeit, ein Maß, das sich quantifizieren lässt und das man nehmen könnte, indem man - mit gewissen Umrechnungen zwischen Flächen, Volumen und Abstand - die Summe bildete aus den Flugstrecken, den Bahnlinien und den Autobahnen, den mobilen Behausungen..., den Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen und Raumstationen, ..., und schließlich dem komplizierten Gewirr der verkabelten oder drahtlosen Netze..." (Marc Augé)

Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Grundlagen der Gestaltung
Institution: University of Innsbruck

Tutor: Kathrin Aste
Course: Architektur und Physis
Institution: University of Innsbruck
